French Countryside Anniversary Session


Whenever fine art film photographer Jenna Hill and her husband and filmmaker Jody Hill set out on their travels, I'm always curious to see what sort of scenic, light-filled imagery will be filtering through my Instagram and Facebook feeds.  As the Okanagan Valley's premiere film wedding photographer, Jenna has a special knack for drawing out natural beauty and genuine interactions from within her subjects without forcing a specific 'look' or contriving a scene.  Tara and Nick, a couple from Oregon traveling through France at the same time as Jenna and Jody, had the opportunity to experience their image-making process with an anniversary shoot set in rural Dordogne.  If you love the look of this shoot and are interested in seeing more of Jenna's wedding imagery featured on Vale + Vine, you might enjoy this spring orchard wedding or this Okanagan winery wedding.  To view Jody's film from Tara and Nick's shoot, head over here.

Credits // Photography - Jenna Hill / Film - Jody Hill / Location - Dordogne, France / Film Scans + Processing - Caribou Film Lab //