Building a Community of Creatives


Photo by Adrian Michael

One of the goals I've expressed regarding Vale + Vine's purpose, is to build up a community of creatives within the Canadian wedding industry (and beyond) whose work fits with the blog's aesthetic -- an emphasis on natural light, film photography (though not exclusively), outdoor environments, handcrafted details, and a styled, fine art look.  As I continue to connect with wedding professionals throughout the industry, I'm becoming more and more aware of the variety of workshops and opportunities for both brides and vendors to grow and be inspired.  I've started to share those opportunities under Vale + Vine's News section, as well as through our Facebook + Instagram feeds.  It's a great place to find out what's going on within the industry and what opportunities are out there to hone your skills or maybe dabble in some new ones.  If you have an upcoming event, giveaway, workshop, or launch, that might appeal to Vale + Vine's readership, please email with the subject line "Your Business Name - News Item" and include the details and corresponding promotional material/images.  I'm really looking forward to developing Vale + Vine's role as a hub for various inspirational and educational opportunities within the wedding world and am open to your ideas, so let's do this!     

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